Monday, December 24, 2012

In medias res

The title is a little misleading. I don't intend on starting from the middle per se. Rather, I'll start from not too long ago, about last Friday. The point is, I am not starting from the present.

I've been on many cruises but I've been only on one other cruise in December. I must say, winter cruises are immensely enjoyable. First thing, I hate the winter. I abhor the cold. Apart from sweaters, cuddling, and hot chocolate, I really see no point in weather below 60 degrees. And that's pushing it.

The winter is dark, depressing and cold and for me December is the figurehead of this ghastly season. So a cruise was welcomed.

This cruise marked the end of the year. For me, 2012 is already over; I'm already living in 2013. It was a spectacular year with more ups than downs and though some chapters closed regrettably, others opened. The cruise was a send-off to 2012 and a warm (literally) hello to the new year.

The cruise started off hysterically. My mom doing the YMCA and my grandfather clapping along. It was magical. It was way adorable.

I don't really want to walk through the cruise so I think I'll write about it in piecemeal. Its winter break, after all. I'm lazy.

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